Bucks County Health Improvement
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Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

How Do Vaccines Work?

By- bchip

When you get sick, your body fights off the illness through your immune system. In the process of fighting off the disease or illness, the immune system develops antibodies, which are Y-shaped proteins specific to that virus, bacteria, or other pathogen that will help you fight off the disease the next time it enters your body. In many cases, the antibodies will prevent you from getting sick again. We call this “immunity.” Immunization can happen naturally, as described above, or

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Vaccine Safety

By- bchip

Vaccines have saved millions of lives, especially the lives of children, who used to die in great numbers or be seriously debilitated due to many childhood diseases, such as measles and polio. Very few children have reactions from childhood vaccines, and most are minor, such as a mild fever or redness around the area of the vaccination. It is nonetheless very important to track any potential very rare and serious side effects. For this, the CDC has developed the Vaccine

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

If You Live in Bucks County and Do Not Have Health Insurance

By- bchip

There are many reasons why you may not have health insurance. Perhaps you recently lost your job, work part-time, or work at a job that does not provide adequate coverage. Perhaps your spouse, who carried the insurance, died, or you are going through a divorce. Perhaps you simply can’t afford the copay on the employer-provided insurance. Whatever the reason, you do not need to live without insurance coverage. Bucks County provides many opportunities for you to get the medical help

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Violence in the Workplace – Healthcare

By- bchip

Healthcare is one of the most rewarding professions. As a healthcare worker, you help people in their time of greatest need, providing them with the medical care and often the emotional support that they require on their journey toward health and wholeness. However, because patients are in a vulnerable position, emotions can run high, and sometimes physical or verbal attacks can occur. Government data shows healthcare workers are five times more likely to experience workplace violence than other workers. Millions

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Overcoming Inequity in Healthcare

By- bchip

BCHIP is a coalition of Bucks County hospitals, health service organizations, and the Bucks County Department of Health working in collaboration to overcome healthcare inequities in our county and improve overall health in our community. The causes of inequity in healthcare are many and diverse. They include socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, location, education, health insurance, social isolation, ethnic medical diversity, and community traditions. Institutional disparities also exist, such as location and availability of health services. These are also referred to

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Healthcare and Human Services in Bucks County

By- bchip

If you or someone you love needs help, there are many resources in Bucks County to turn to. BCHIP was established to address and fill gaps in services so that everyone in Bucks County would have access to quality healthcare and basic needs through our founding members and community partners.  We work in association with the Bucks County Department of Health, the Bucks County Medical Society, and the six major Bucks County hospitals: Doylestown Health, Grand View Health, Jefferson Bucks

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Healthcare Professional and Staffing Needs in Bucks County PA

By- bchip

It’s no secret that there is a nationwide shortage of medical health professionals. The nursing shortage is the highest profile, but so many other staffing and medical experts are needed to provide the very best level of care. Now may be a great time to try out a new career where you can make a difference in Bucks County. Becoming a doctor, a nurse, or a therapist is a very important calling and takes many years of training. Doctors and

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Bucks County Drug and Alcohol Commission

By- bchip

The mission of the Bucks County Drug and Alcohol Commission (BCDAC) is to reduce the use of tobacco, eliminate the use of illegal drugs, and end the abuse, misuse of, and addiction to alcohol and other drugs throughout Bucks County. To fulfill their mission, BCDAC employs a multi-dimensional approach incorporating, prevention, treatment, and recovery services to help people break free of substance abuse and prevent further abuse. BCDAC services BCDAC reaches out through agencies, hospitals, schools, prisons, and community organizations

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Sharps Disposal in Bucks County

By- bchip

The term “sharps” defines devices that have sharp points or edges that can puncture the skin. These can include needles and syringes, lancets (i.e., for pricking the finger), auto-injectors such as the EpiPen, and infusion sets and connection needles, which are used to deliver fluids into the body, such as in patients on home hemodialysis. Many people in Bucks County have medical conditions that require the use of sharps, and disposal of these potentially dangerous medical devices has been a

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

New Mental Health Hotline 988 – Call Before the Crisis

By- bchip

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, including suicidal thoughts, substance use, or another mental health issue, help is only three digits away – dial 988 and a trained crisis contact person will be ready to talk and connect you with help in your area if needed. People can also text to receive help, all from their Bucks County, PA home. The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (formerly called the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) is a

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

NAMI Bucks County – Local Support from the National Alliance for Mental Illness

By- bchip

NAMI Bucks County PA was founded 40 years ago in 1983 by a mother whose son was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 12. This mother did not have the support she needed to help her son, discuss the best treatment for him, and deal with the emotions she was experiencing. She didn’t want other parents and families to be left without the support they needed in a time of crisis. Beginning with a small group called “Families Unite

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

The Significance of Keeping Health Care Directives Current

By- bchip

An advance health care directive – often called a living will – is a document in which you clearly define your health care wishes, should you be unable to speak for yourself. While most people imagine they will not need a living will until they are older and unable to articulate their own wishes, the need for an advance care directive could present at any time with a sudden accident or an unexpected illness. Therefore, maintaining an up-to-date advance directive

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

The Crucial Role of Vaccines for the Elderly

By- bchip

Vaccinations play a pivotal role in safeguarding older adults. Our ability to fight off infections and maintain our immune system declines as we age. Many of us who are elderly are also in situations where contagious conditions are easily spread. This creates situations where vaccine use is critical for older Americans to stay healthy and live fully.   Vaccines are a safe and effective way for older adults to build immunity against infectious diseases, reducing the chances of serious illness, hospitalization,

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Trying to Quit Smoking? Use Tech

By- bchip

According to the CDC, smoking causes about one in five deaths in the U.S. each year, which makes it the #1 cause of preventable deaths. This includes one-third of all cancer and 90% of all lung cancer deaths, and it is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The addictive nicotine in cigarettes and the many other toxic chemicals used in tobacco products damage every aspect of the smoker’s health, yet many people struggle to quit, even with

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Are Vaccines Safe?

By- bchip

Vaccines have been a cornerstone of public health for over a century. They have saved millions of lives over that time and helped eradicate deadly diseases like smallpox and polio. Despite their remarkable success, vaccines continue to be a subject of controversy and misinformation. Here at BCHIP, we believe that Bucks County residents should have access to safe and effective vaccines. Here are reasons why vaccines are safe. Extensive Testing and Approval Process Vaccines undergo an extensive and rigorous approval

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